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The Emblem of "ST. PETER'S SCHOOL" Signifies The Divine Wishdom (Star) Descending From Above To Enlighten And to Empower The Scholars So To Transform The Human Into Divine. The Descending of The Divine To be Human and The Transformation of The Same Into Divine is Realized Thought The Medium of Scholarship (Book) And Authority Of Knowledge (Keys) Which Leads To The Ultrimate Crowning Of the Human. All These Are Furnished In the Spirit of Love For God And Country.

Simon Peter of Cep has , The first Pope Was Born In Bethesida a Town near The Lake tiberias in Judeo. He Was afisherman by profession and had all qualities of a fisherma. The History does't say Much About His Married Life, However The Holy Bible Has Series of Incident Of Peter's Life When He Was With Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ Photo

Peter Was The First Man To be called as his Disciple By Jesus(LK: 5:10,mark 1 16-18,Matthew 4: 18-19) The First One to acknowledge Jesus as his "Messia"(the sarious) (Luke 9:20) The First one to Relize His Unworthiness To be With The Lord (LK 9:33, Mark 9:5). The Only Favored By Jusus and Whose boat was used to address the people by Jesus (LK .5, Mk. 14:37, In 20:2). the Only Chosen by Jesus Christ to hold the Keys Of The Kingdom Of Heaven Among The Twelve Disciples of Juses, Peter Became Conspicuous Soon. Despite his Irresolute Character, Peter had firm Faith In juses and Showed His Fidelity to his Master Till The tnd. He Followed Jesus With Great Zeal and Enthusiasm He Become one of the Boldest Witness For The Faith. He Preached about The POWER of CHRIST and heald many people of their aliments and disease. Despite his weaknesses Jesus chose him to be the head of his Flock(people).The Most Importent Of all, When Jesus Appeared to the Disciples at the lake of Gannesareth, Jesus entrusted a special commission to peter "to feed his Flock." (people). In Conclusion jesus Christ Foretold the violent death of Peter, Who Would have to Suffer And Thus Invited him to Follow the Lord In a Special Manner..

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